The Mental Calculation World Cup (official website) has been organized every 2 years since 2004 by Ralf Laue. It is a very friendly event and attracts many of the world’s biggest Mental Math talents.
Competition Details
This Mental Math competition is usually held somewhere in Germany in Autumn. Competitors must apply directly to Ralf Laue with evidence of skill in Mental Math, as the event has limited spaces—usually around 40. Competitors of all ages are welcome.
All questions are done using pen and paper.
Past events have often included a public show to see the abilities of the participants in Mental Math and other Mind Sports.

Category Details
- Addition (each question has ten 10-digit numbers to sum)
- Calendar dates (finding the day of the week for as many dates as possible in 60 seconds)
- Multiplication (each question has two 8-digit numbers to multiply)
- Square roots (each question has a 6-digit number whose square root must be found to 5 decimal places)
- 5–6 surprise events—announced during the competition.
Recent Events
Further Information
More information about all past competitions can be found on the official website of the Mental Calculation World Cup. Upcoming competitions are announced here (subscribe for email updates about all competitions) and of course on the official website and direct from Ralf Laue. The event was generously sponsored in 2016 and 2018 by the Andreas-Mohn-Stiftung Organization.